Procedure | Location | Procedure Type | Description |
bar | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Create a bar graph |
barh | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Create a horizontal bar graph |
binData | easy_plplot_m | Function | Count data in each bin |
box | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set x,y and plot labels |
colorbar | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Add a colorbar to the top of the plot |
colorbar2 | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Add a colorbar to the top of the plot |
colorize | utilities_m | Function | Add terminal format codes to coloize a string |
contour | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Plot contour lines |
contourf | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Plot filled contours |
doBar | examples | Subroutine | |
doContour | examples | Subroutine | |
doError | examples | Subroutine | |
doFillBetween | examples | Subroutine | |
doHist | examples | Subroutine | |
doLegend | examples | Subroutine | |
doLogPlot | examples | Subroutine | |
doPlot | examples | Subroutine | |
doQuiver | examples | Subroutine | |
doScatter | examples | Subroutine | |
doSurface | examples | Subroutine | |
endsWith | utilities_m | Function | Test if text ends with str |
errorbar | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Plot error bars for a set of data points |
f | animate | Function | |
figure | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Create a new figure |
fillBetween | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Fill space between two lines |
fillBetweenx | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Fill space between two lines |
flatten | utilities_m | Interface | Reduce an array to one dimension |
hist | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Create a histogram |
int2char | utilities_m | Function | Convert an integer to a character |
labels | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set x,y and plot labels |
legend | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Create legend for plot data |
linspace | utilities_m | Function | Return an array of evenly-spaced values |
makeLogo | logo | Subroutine | |
mean | utilities_m | Function | Compute the arithmetic mean of an array |
meshGridX | utilities_m | Function | Construct a 2d array of X values from a structured grid |
meshGridY | utilities_m | Function | Construct a 2d array of Y values from a structured grid |
mixval | utilities_m | Interface | Return a 2-vector comprising the minimum and maximum values of an array |
plot | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Plot data using lines and or markers |
plot3 | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Plot data using lines and or markers |
quiver | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Plot vectors |
randomNormal | utilities_m | Function | Return a sample from an approximate normal distribution with a mean of and a standard deviation of . In this approximate distribution, . |
randomUniform | utilities_m | Function | Return a sample from a uniform distribution in the range . |
real2char | utilities_m | Function | Convert a real to a character |
scatter | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Create scatter plot of data |
setup | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Setup PlPlot library, optionally overriding defaults |
show | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Show the plots end finialize the PlPlot library |
showProgress | utilities_m | Subroutine | Show a progress bar with a message |
span | utilities_m | Interface | Return a the maximum-minumum values of an array |
startsWith | utilities_m | Function | Test if text starts with str |
stdev | utilities_m | Function | Compute the standard deviation of an array |
subplot | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Create a set of axes on a figure |
surface | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Plot a 3d surface |
ticks | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set the ticks for the axes |
title | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set plot title |
wireframe | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Plot a 3d wireframe |
xlabel | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set x-label |
xlim | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set the limits of the x-axis |
xticks | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set the ticks for the x-axis |
xylim | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set the x and y ranges of the plot |
xyzlim | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set the limits for a 3d plot |
ylabel | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set y-label |
ylim | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set the limits of the y-axis |
yticks | easy_plplot_m | Subroutine | Set the ticks for the y-axis |